Dr Katherine Gill combines her professional training in Occupational Therapy and Mental Health with her lived experience of functional neurological disorder (FND).
She has a strong interest in recovery focused care for complex mental illnesses, including FND, conversion disorder, eating disorders and trauma.
After experiencing barriers as part of her own treatment and recovery from FND, Kate helped establish FND Australia Support Services, an organisation that provides support and education to people affected.
Katherine is the President of FND Australia Support Services, is the chair of the Brain and Mind Centre's Consumer Led Research Network, and sits on a number of other mental health committees.
Katherine's Hocking Fellowship
Using lived experience stories and evidence, Katherine aims to increase understanding of the personal journey associated with FND, breaking down the myths, barriers, confusion and stigmas attached to the disorder.
In a series of workshops with people who live with FND, Katherine will explore the journey, identify myths, record the services and supports people have found helpful in recovery, and find alternative treatments that are available.
Using findings from the workshops, Katherine will then develop electronic resources to be shared with people living with the disorder, carers, mental health professionals and those interested in learning more about the disorder.