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The SANE Blog

#InThisTogether - a campaign about social connection in the time of COVID-19

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In these extraordinary times, SANE is proud to come together with our fellow mental health organisations to launch #InThisTogether.

#InThisTogether is a national conversation, sharing tips to support our mental health and wellbeing through COVID-19. This campaign reminds us that we'll all need a little extra support during this time.

We've kicked things off with a video message from SANE Patron Osher Günsberg, along with many others including Ian Thorpe AM, Pat McGorry AO, Health Minister Greg Hunt, and Kabi Kabi man and public health medical advisor Dr Mark Wenitong. 

We know that people living with complex mental health issues are doing it particularly hard right now. That’s why we’re encouraging people to join us in staying socially connected through the SANE Forums, which are professionally moderated 24/7. You can also contact our SANE Help Centre from 10am-8pm AEDT, Mon-Fri.  

It's so important to check in with each other, and encourage people to seek professional support when they need it. Follow SANE on FacebookInstagram or Twitter as we continue to share valuable tips and advice on how we can all be #InThisTogether.

Take good care of your good selves and let’s stay socially connected. Because we're all #InThisTogether.


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