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SANE would like to recognise the devastating impact on all those involved in the terrible incident at Bondi Junction

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SANE would like to recognise the devastating impact on all those involved in the terrible incident at Bondi Junction

As the national organisation representing Australians impacted by severe, long term or complex mental ill health, SANE would like to recognise the devastating impact on all those involved in the terrible incident at Bondi Junction on Saturday.

This event will result in mass trauma for those directly involved in the incident and those participating in the emergency response. Unfortunately, the pervasive and often graphic media coverage will also impact those with an existing experience of trauma. We strongly urge anyone struggling to seek support from one of the free services listed below.

Understandably, there’s significant speculation around the motive for this crime. Mental health and in particular a diagnosis of schizophrenia, has been heavily implicated.

While it’s natural to seek the ‘one thing’ that drives someone to act this way, it’s important to note that this situation is complicated. We have no idea what this person was like or what his motivations were to commit this terrible act.

There are two things we do know.

Firstly, that extensive public speculation placing the blame entirely on mental illness is not only inaccurate, it’s extremely harmful for those living with long term or complex mental health conditions.

Persistent, negative portrayal of mental illness reinforces shame and reduces the likelihood that someone will seek help. It contributes to social isolation, poorer health outcomes and increased suicide risk.

People with schizophrenia are the most stigmatised in the media and despite clear evidence showing this community are far more likely to be the victims of violent crime, they are often automatically (and incorrectly) blamed by the media.

Secondly, it is clear from statements made by police and his family that this person was in need of mental health support and it was not made available to him.

Effective early intervention and ongoing treatment and psychosocial support can prevent significant deterioration and enable people with complex mental ill health to live healthy, productive and meaningful lives.

There is an enormous need for increased investment and better coordination of mental health services at a state and federal level. Our current mental health system is filled with gaps and it appears this person has fallen through.

As this investigation continues, we encourage all Australians to reduce unhelpful speculation about motive and learn a little more about what it means to live with a complex mental health condition.

We’d like extend our sincere sympathies to all those impacted by this dreadful situation and encourage anyone needing help to connect with one of the following services:

Free support services for individuals with complex mental health needs and their friends and family can be accessed from or via the SANE Support Line 1800 187 263.

For crisis situations, please call
Lifeline 13 11 14
KidsHelpline 1800 55 1800
13 Yarn 139276

Last updated: 22 May 2024

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