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The SANE Blog

Estrangement and the holidays part 2: Coping with family events

People wait for food at a family barbeque

It can be hard seeing family over the holidays when relationships are strained. In part two of our series on estrangement and the holidays, SANE Peer Support Worker JD has some tips on dealing with challenging family events.  

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Estrangement and the holidays part 1: Finding new traditions

Young person with long hair walking on the street and looking into the distance

The holidays can be tough for anyone who has needed to separate from their family. In part one of our series on estrangement and the holidays, Peer Support Worker JD talks about finding meaning this holiday season after cutting ties with relatives.  

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Advocating for a better mental health system (and not burning out)

Person leans forward to listen to someone they are talking to

From her own experience, our Forums Community Manager shares some tips on using your story to advocate for systemic change.

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Coping with anxiety as COVID-19 restrictions ease

A father and child hug while sitting outside

While the easing of public health restrictions is a big milestone and something to celebrate, it’s also a huge shift in what we have become used to. Many people are surprised to find they have mixed feelings or find it tough as lockdowns and restrictions lift.  

However, this might make more sense than we realise at first.  

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‘You are not alone in this’: living with OCD during a pandemic

Bron on the beach with palm trees and the ocean behind her

For SANE Peer Ambassador Bron, the pandemic caused her contamination fears to increase significantly. Marking OCD Awareness Week, Bron shares some of her hard work to connect, get support and give herself a break during this challenging time.  

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‘My voice has power to change things’: designing personality disorder care that treats people like people

Kelly standing outside and smiling with trees behind her

Kelly is a Worimi and Wipella (Wadjella) woman who lives and grew up on Whadjuk Noongar Boodja. She has a keen interest in promoting human flourishing and bringing lived experience into all aspects of service design. She sat down with SANE to chat about her experience co-designing a new model of care for personality disorder.

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Online peer communities create hope every day

Jess smiles sitting at a workstation with art supplies next to them and vines decorating the wall behind them.

Content note: This blog mentions suicide.  

Jess is a SANE Peer Support Worker and long-time fan of people with shared experiences supporting each other. Jess talks about the power of peer support to prevent suicide and create hope.  

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Navigating anniversaries of bereavement by suicide

Nick is looking into the camera with a small smile, wearing a checked shirt and there is a brick wall behind him.

Content note: this article discusses suicide.  

In anticipation of World Suicide Prevention Day, SANE Peer Ambassador Nick reflects on how anniversaries bring memories and regrets into sharp relief. Staying connected and a ritual trip helps him and his daughter Winnie on their bereavement journey. 

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Calling out diet culture: a process of unlearning

Jeanette smiles while standing outside, there is a tree with pink blossoms behind her in full bloom.

SANE Peer Ambassador Jeanette is marking this Body Image and Eating Disorders Awareness Week by reflecting on diet culture and its huge impact. She discusses how unlearning it is hard, and shares her ongoing process that brings a sense of freedom.  

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Eating disorders and nourishing the self

Sam is standing next to a statue of a young girl with her arms crossed in the same pose. Behind is a pier and the ocean.

This Body Image and Eating Disorder Awareness week we chat with Sam who has lived with experiences of both anorexia and bulimia since her late teens. She explains how for her, recovery isn’t black and white, it’s about building up her wellbeing and her sense of self. 

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