To ‘Discover More’ and join the conversation you can:
- Read up – Get the latest facts and figures about schizophrenia
- Learn more – Check out our Spotlight on Schizophrenia for extra resources and personal stories of lived experience
- Tune in – Watch our live feed from the One Door Mental Health Symposium, which includes SANE’s CEO Rachel Green joining as a panellist (2-5pm AEST on Monday 24 May, streamed via our Facebook page)
- Chat online – Join SANE’s Topic Tuesday online Forum discussion featuring our Peer Ambassador Sandy Jeffs, and One Door psychologist Jordan Yates (7-8.30pm AEST on Tuesday 25 May). Visit the SANE Forums to register and find out more.
- ‘Discover More’ about our peers’ personal stories – Via new blog interviews featuring six Peer Ambassadors, Sandy, Niall and Jenni, Sandra, Sarah and Phoebe, throughout the week
- Connect on social – Head to Instagram for sessions with our Peer Ambassadors, including: a Q&A with Sandra (10am-12pm AEST Tuesday 25 May) and Laura (10am-12pm AEST Friday 28 May), while Phoebe will share her experiences on IGTV
Take a look at our media coverage:
- Channel 7’s ‘House of Wellbeing’ – Featuring Peer Ambassadors, Cam and Sandy, and our Counselling Lead, Carmel
- SBS The Feed online – Featuring Peer Ambassador Phoebe Kingston
- Junkee Media – Featuring Peer Ambassador Jenni
- Mamamia’s ‘The Quicky’ Podcast – featuring Peer Ambassador Laura
Listen out for upcoming radio interviews:
- 3MDR 97.1 FM Radio: Community Radio Program – Peer Ambassador Evan will be on air 1:15pm Saturday 29 May
- ABC Radio Illawarra: Mornings Program – Peer Ambassador Evan will be on air between 8:30 – 11am Monday 31 May
- ABC Radio Melbourne: This Weekend Life with Libbi Gorr – Interview with Peer Ambassador Laura and her husband Tim (time and date TBC)
- Community Broadcast Association of Australia – Interview with Peer Ambassador Niall and SANE CEO Rachel Green (coming soon)