SANE Board
Lucy Myer, GAICD, Chair
Lucy Myer was appointed as Chair of SANE and The Dax Centre in 2020 following seven years of being a member of the Board. Lucy is passionate about increasing awareness of complex mental health issues, and she brings her professional expertise to SANE from her background in commerce, marketing, and management. Currently Strategy Manager at SEEK, Australia’s leading employment platform, Lucy has also held roles on the Education and Youth Mental Health Committees of The Myer Foundation. Lucy is a passionate advocate for mental health and physical wellbeing and is driven by a desire to make an impact into the community.
Dr Caroline Aebersold, MAICD Chair - Clinical Governance Committee
Dr Caroline Aebersold has held clinical, senior executive, CEO and board director positions for over 20 years across diverse sectors including mental health, education and justice. Caroline is a former psychologist who holds a doctorate in human rights law and was the CEO of a national not-for-profit organisation for over a decade. A member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors, Caroline has served on several not-for-profit Boards, including the Diplomacy Training Program, Sharing Stories Foundation, Suicide Prevention Australia, the National Committee for Standardised Reporting on Suicide and the Australian Psychological Society, developing deep expertise in not-for-profit governance and strategy. Caroline has played a substantial leadership role in progressing the mental health and wellbeing reform agenda in Australia, including as a Director at the Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System.
Rachel Green, GAICD, Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director – SANE and The Dax Centre
Rachel Green commenced as SANE’s CEO in 2021, bringing extensive leadership experience in mental health, public policy, and business development. As Director of Policy, Rachel led the establishment of the National Mental Health Commission in 2011 where she joined with SANE Patron, Janet Meagher AM to develop the Contributing Life Framework and produce Australia’s first National Report Card on Mental Health and Suicide Prevention. She has held senior roles in mental health, business development and public health policy with the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet, the Department of Health and Care Connect. Rachel has held non-executive director roles with Being, the Institute of Analytics Professionals Australia, the NSW Cycling Women’s Commission, Sands Australia and Red Nose.
Rob Gerrand, FAMI, FAICD, Chair - Governance, Nomination, and Remuneration Committee
Rob Gerrand is the head of Gerrand & Associates, a marketing and communication consultancy. A former General Manager of Group Public Affairs at ANZ Bank, Rob has received international accolades such as the Golden World and Golden Quill Awards. Rob was appointed Adjunct Professor by Deakin University, is a director of North Western Melbourne Primary Health Network and chairs Director Next. Previously Rob has chaired Parks Victoria, Healthy Parks Healthy People Global and Theatreworks. Former directorships include Alfred Health, the Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health, MHRI, the Financial Planning Association of Australia and the Koorie Heritage Trust. With deep expertise in public relations and governance, Rob has contributed significantly to both the corporate and non-profit sectors.
Nicola Farray, MAICD
Nicola Farray is an experienced public service executive who has worked in policy, program, corporate, operational and oversight roles in a wide range of portfolios. She has previously been a Board Director of YWCA Victoria and Y Housing. With a background in social work, Nicola has specialised in health and community care for children and families, people experiencing mental health challenges and people interacting with the justice system. She is currently an Executive Director in the Victorian Department of Health and was most recently the Chief Executive Officer of the Board of Inquiry into historical child sexual abuse in Beaumaris Primary School and certain other government schools. Prior executive roles include health workforce strategy, mental health reform and as Director of Policy and Research at the Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System.
Luke Marshall, LEAC Representative
Luke Marshall is a marketing and technology leader who has been working with clients and digital strategies since 2006. He’s a curious and driven communicator who weaves deep experience into his consulting, coaching, and training programs. Working for big tech companies, Luke helped launch YouTube across South-East Asia within Google’s creative team and spearheaded some of the first Instagram advertising campaigns in Australia. Luke has lived experience with complex mental health issues and sits on the Lived Experience Advisory Committee (LEAC).
Dean Duncan
Dean Duncan is a proud Aboriginal man of the Kamilaroi people of north western NSW (Moree) and was awarded the 2019 National NAIDOC Person of the Year. An experienced leader with strong business acumen, Dean has extensive experience in both private and public sectors across Australia. Dean has worked within Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities across the nation, as well as assisting young people in out-of-home care.
Tania Brown
Tania Brown brings over 30 years of experience in Aboriginal Affairs, including two decades dedicated to the ACCHO sector. She has been instrumental in driving systemic changes and advancing the social and cultural determinants of health. Tania’s contributions include serving on the First Nations Health Transition Advisory Group. Her work with the Royal Australasian College of Physicians’ Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Committee and her contributions to World Health Organisation initiatives further underscore her commitment to improving outcomes for Indigenous communities. Through her leadership, Tania has championed innovative service delivery models to better meet the needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
Dr Anita Moss , FRACGP
Dr Anita Moss has been a Peer Ambassador for SANE since 2016 and brings over 20 years of experience as a GP Obstetrician. Anita is passionate about empowering clients, particularly young people, to make informed healthcare decisions. She continues to provide healthcare services at an Indigenous Health Service in rural Victoria and also works in a metropolitan practice. Anita completed the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners’ Future Leaders Program, further cementing her commitment to high-quality healthcare and mental health advocacy.
Mr Ewan Barron CA, RCA Treasurer Chair - Risk, Audit and Management Committee
Mr Ewan Barron BA (Hons), CA, RCA is the Honorary Treasurer and has been the Chair of the Audit and Risk Committee for six years. A Partner at PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) for over 19 years, Ewan is a Registered Company Auditor with the Australian Securities & Investments Commission (ASIC). He is a member of both Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand, and The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland. Ewan has held key roles at PwC and is currently a member of the firm’s Governance Board.
Kirstie Allen, GAICD
Kirstie Allen has an extensive 30-year career in policy and strategy working across economic, social, and environmental portfolios with an emphasis towards structural reforms and long-term planning for cities, regions, and industries. Kirstie has held Deputy Secretary and CEO positions in the NSW Government including at Infrastructure NSW, the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment, Department of Premier and Cabinet and the Greater Sydney Commission. She has also held professional services executive roles working across Australian jurisdictions. Kirstie is now focused on her PhD at the University of Sydney which is considering new ways of responding earlier to housing and infrastructure demand with a climate first lens.
SANE Patrons
The Honourable Dame Quentin Bryce AD, CVO
Emeritus Professor Geoffrey Blainey AC
Professor Allan Fels AO
Professor John Funder AC
Mr Charles B Goode AC
Mr Osher Günsberg
Dr Margaret Leggatt AM
Ms Janet Meagher AM
Sir Gustav Nossal AC CBE
Mr Stan Wallis AC
Mr Peter Wills AC
Cameron Solnordal
Dr Mark Cross
Craig Connelly