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Crisis Support: How to help in a crisis

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Quick facts

Quick Facts

When caring for someone with a mental illness, there may be times when their health deteriorates to a point that immediate support is required. This may be because they have developed suicidal thoughts or are perhaps so agitated that they may be a risk to others. When this occurs, it is best to contact a specialist service that is able to assess the situation and help you to decide on the best course of action.

  • How to help when someone experiences a mental health crisis

    If the person you are caring for agrees, you can attend the emergency department of your local hospital. However, there are times when the person affected might not agree there is any risk, or might not be willing to reach out for help. When this occurs you can contact the local Crisis Assessment and Treatment Team (CATT) through the closest major public hospital. In some parts of Australia they are called Psychiatric Emergency Teams (PET).

    The CATT/ PET is a multi-disciplinary team with Psychologists, Psychiatrists, Social workers and Nurses who provide assessment and support for people who are in crisis with mental illness. Their phone lines are staffed 24 hours a day.

    Your local team will conduct an initial phone assessment and may get in contact with other treating practitioners.

    From this assessment they will decide how to best support the person in crisis. This may involve a home visit as their aim is to treat people in the community where possible. However, they may decide that hospitalisation is necessary to ensure the best care.

    If you have any questions or concerns, you are welcome to contact the SANE Help Centre.

    To find your local CATT or PET team, ring your closest major public hospital.

  • Other agencies that can help in a crisis

    Emergency: police & ambulance
    000 (24 Hrs)

    Lifeline telephone counselling
    13 11 14 (24 Hrs)

    Suicide Call Back Service
    1300 659 467 (24 Hrs)

    Kids Helpline
    1800 55 1800 (24 Hrs)

Last updated: 20 October 2023

Ways we can support you

Choose from a range of FREE complex mental health supports, including counselling, peer support, online groups and events, 24/7 community forums, and online information and resources.

Please note: We're working on improvements to our Support Line! We're making system enhancements, recruiting and training more counsellors and preparing for the relaunch of webchat. During this time, there will be reduced capacity on the Support Line, and we are anticipating longer than expected wait-times for callers to connect with a counsellor. We appreciate your patience and understanding while we work to improve capacity and accessibility. If you would like to provide feedback about this change, you can do so here.

Support Line

Available Monday to Friday, 10am - 8pm (AEDT/AEST). SANE’s team of trained staff and volunteers provide free counselling, information and resources. Call 1800 187 263.
Free Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) 131 450.

Community Forums

Available 24/7. Connect with people who understand what you are going through, seek advice and surround yourself with support. They're safe and anonymous.


Available Monday to Friday, 12-8pm (AEDT/AEST). A 6-month online program for people wanting to navigate their mental health recovery at their own pace. Access evidence-based recovery resources and online groups to help you manage your mental health and work towards your recovery goals.

Guided Recovery

Available Monday to Friday, 10am to 8pm (AEDT/AEST). A 15-week program for people wanting individual guidance and support with their mental health recovery. Includes 6 appointments with a dedicated counsellor or peer support worker and access to online groups.

Peer Group Chat

Thursday and Sunday evenings. Live chat-based discussions, guided by SANE community builders. New topics each week.

Mental Health Recovery Webinars

Last Wednesday of every month, 7-8pm (AEDT/AEST). Monthly community webinars with new topics and guests, including lived experience advocates and subject matter experts. 

Information and Resources

Available 24/7. Access information you can trust on complex mental health issues. SANE factsheets and guides are easy to read and can help you understand what’s happening and what strategies can be helpful.

Guidance for supporting someone at risk of suicide

Available 24/7. A resource that provides information and advice about supporting someone who has attempted, or is at risk of attempting, suicide.

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