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The SANE Blog

How can I stick to a New Year’s resolution?

How can I stick to a New Year’s resolution?

It’s hard to resist making New Year resolutions. Even if you have a history of finding them broken by mid-January.

When a new year dawns we dream again of a better version of ourselves. One in which we’ll be more productive, happier, thiner, wealthier, nicer...the possibilities are endless.

If you’ve set resolutions for 2018, here are some tips to maximise your success.

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Tips to help you through Christmas


Christmas. It's fast approaching.

For many Christmas is a wonderful day filled with family, friends, gifts, good food and good times. But for some people it can be a challenge.

Services close for the holiday break, health professionals go on vacation and there's a perceived social pressure that demands happiness and participation.

To help you through the coming days we asked people living with mental illness for their tips to survive the Christmas period.

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Is it okay to ignore Christmas?

Is it okay to ignore Christmas?


Is it okay to take the bits of Christmas that work for you and discard the rest?


And is it okay to enjoy the solitude of Christmas Day and indulge yourself without feeling guilty?

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Three tips for managing loneliness this holiday season

Red Christmas bauble is bright against a black and white leafless Christmas tree

The holidays are a time to connect with our loved ones. But for many people it can feel the opposite. Being separated from family and loved ones – either due to work, loss, or conflict – can make this time of year one of unhappiness and loneliness.

We might feel disconnected from others and feel like nobody really understands us, listens to us, or values our company.

The holidays can be a difficult time if we are feeling like this, but there are simple strategies you can use to help manage feelings of loneliness.

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The mental health benefits of owning a pet


Does owning a pet have a positive impact on your mental health?

It seems research is mixed when it comes to this question and the benefits aren't always black and white. 

So to help shine an anecdotal lived experience light on the issue, we asked our community, 'What are the mental health benefits of owning a pet?'

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Self-care after hearing the same-sex marriage result


The Australian Marriage Equality Postal Survey result is due to be announced today.

Whatever the result — whether you're elated, pleased, disappointed or devastated — it's going to be a big, emotional day across the country. Self-care is going to be important.

Here are a few suggestions for looking after yourself over the next couple of days.

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Self-help when hearing voices


Hearing voices can be an intrusive and distressing experience for people living with a psychotic illness.

Developing personalised interventions and strategies, preferably with health professionals, can help alleviate the impact.

This may be achieved by focusing on a specific problem, such as voices that wake you at night, or focusing on an element, like a particularly distressing voice.

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Caring for someone with BPD: what it’s really like


Every relationship has its ups and downs, but when one partner is diagnosed with a mental illness, it can add an extra pressure. When your carer is also your spouse, it is important for both partners to look after themselves and each other. Todd and Natalie have worked together to manage Todd's mental illness since he was first diagnosed six years ago. 

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Tips to help you overcome change


Are you currently going through a time of change? A new job, starting university, getting married, buying a house, or living away from home for the first time?

This change may be obvious, subtle, unwanted or well-planned. 

It's possible that you're experiencing stress regardless of whether it's a negative or positive change. Just how much stress depends on how you react to it.

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Coping with distressing news events

A person reads the newspaper looking troubled

A disaster or some other upsetting global event can dominate our thoughts and feelings, our private and public conversations, our homes and workplaces. And with 24/7 news just a click or tap away, it’s very easy to become overwhelmed.

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