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The SANE Blog

5 tips for good perinatal mental health

5 tips for good perinatal mental health

Having a baby. Arguably one of the largest lifestyle changes an adult can experience.

To help new and would be-parents we spoke to Jenni Richardson, the National Helpline Manager with Perinatal Anxiety and Depression Australia.

Her tips are . . .

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Disclosure and dating


How much should you reveal about your mental health to someone you’re dating? When’s the right time to discuss it with a new romantic partner? How should you tell them, and when? How will they react? Will it be okay?

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Top picks: Exploring borderline personality disorder

Top picks: Exploring borderline personality disorder

For BPD Awareness Week we’ve put together a list of articles, resources, videos and blogs that shed light on this often misunderstood illness.

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What mindfulness app is right for you?

What mindfulness app is right for you?

There are countless mindfulness apps available for download these days. But finding the right one can be difficult. Anybody can create an app, so the quality varies.

Finding the right mindfulness app depends on your style and personal preferences. Some apps provide guided sessions for specific concerns, while others let you choose and create your own session.

So to help you find the right app for your needs, here are four popular and free mindfulness apps available on iTunes and Google Play. They have been rated for your ease of use and listening.

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Common questions about the NDIS

Common questions about the NDIS

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is rolling out across Australia. This is good news! But if you’ve started exploring your options you may have been confronted by acronyms, processes and jargon.

With the help from Break Thru we’ve answered some of the questions many people ask about this new program.

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Struggling to open up? A horse could help

Struggling to open up? A horse could help

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a condition that can catch you off guard. You’re coping just fine and then — boom! Life becomes difficult. Out of nowhere.

That’s what happened to Ken Kemp, a veteran that served in the Australian Defence Force for 27 years, many of those on deployment.

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Stay healthy and connected post-Pokémon Go

Stay healthy and connected post-Pokémon Go

Pokémon Go is sweeping the world. And the game’s positive influence on our physical and mental health is an unexpected benefit.

Some people cite the reward-style game for helping them overcome their anxiety or depression. The game has been a positive influence, encouraging people to socialise and undertake activities they struggle to achieve.

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How to speak out about the challenges of parenting

How to speak out about the challenges of parenting

Being a parent is challenging.

Change occurs in every area of wellbeing - physical, emotional and social - and the impact can be overwhelming.

Knowing when and how to speak up about the difficulties of parenting is difficult. Expectations define parenthood as something to be enjoyed, but sometimes these expectations don't match reality.

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Do brain-training activities really work?

Do brain-training activities really work?

You’ve forgotten your password for the second morning in a row. As you re-set it – again – you start to wonder if this minor inconvenience is actually the sign of something more sinister. Is this the start of a cognitive decline? And if so, will you be forgetting your loved ones within a decade?

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Mental health in music

Mental health in music

Have you ever listened to a song and strongly related to the words or the music? It can be comforting to hear someone else express emotions that reflect how you are feeling or what you are thinking.

Music is powerful and very personal. It can affect our emotions, motivate or comfort us, and above all give us pleasure! Music plays a major part in people’s lives. And for many their musical tastes and interests are strongly tied to their sense of identity.

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